ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH • Südstraße 1 • 66701 Beckingen • Germany

Discover the Future of Testing Technology

MoniDAQ: Long-term monitoring for demand-oriented regular testing

It is clear today that non-destructive component testing (e.g. simply searching for defects such as cracks or pores) will no longer meet the requirements of future NDT applications on its own.

It’s not possible everywhere to carry out manual tests or inspections at regular intervals. For this reason, it is recommended to integrate systems for condition monitoring and structural health monitoring into newly erected structures and plants from the outset and, in the case of existing structures, to retrofit them where possible.


In most cases, simple physical parameters and effects (temperature, length, acoustic emission, voltage change etc.) are used on the sensor side in order to be able to integrally detect changes in the condition of the structure or components. If the warning system is activated, the cause can be clarified and, if necessary, a manual test carried out.


Fields of application:

  • Catenary masts (permanent change of position)
  • Bubble memory (pressure and cycles)
  • Sign gantries (permanent change of position)
  • Cableways (crack formation)
  • Bridges / carrier cables (traffic load, break detection through shifting loads)
  • Wall hooks (permanent change of position and tension)
  • Pipelines (pressure, tension, position, corrosion)


Development is almost ready for series production. Please contact us to be kept up to date!

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ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH

ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH
Südstraße 1
66701 Beckingen
Fon: +49 (0) 68 35 / 40 96
Fax: +49 (0) 68 35 / 6 88 11